I miss the days of learning to fish trout and crawdads in the creek, I also learned to fly fish, in the pond in the side yard. We used to hold a fishing tournament on new years day, if it wasnt frozen over, also if it was we were ice skating or trying too.
The pond with the old Barons house surrounded with hay fields and old xmas trees.
The farm house and barns with the creek in the forground
Great gramma Lentz has a road named after her in Oregon.
Gramma Hoard was born in this old school house, now listed as a ghost town, wish the place was on the national historic register.
Me finding the last of the wild mushrooms of the season, Amanita Muscaria, the most photographed mushroom in the world.
Tons of them
Amanita muscaria in a fairy ring
Another shot of the fairy ring, December 08
A shot of young button amanita fly muscaria
This was truly an amazing shot and find, was so alice and wonderland to see so many amanitas in one place, this fairy ring contained over 150 mushrooms in the circle. that was up to 15 feet wide. In all my mushroom adventures id never seen anything quite like this, iv found fairy rings before but not like this one.